Full version of trailers( of course delete all previous versions)
added particles to the wheels
scripts revision and hydraulics changes on some models
vacutank already works in AI and the other model already has attach for male discharge type attachments and three points; The low rear discharge is possible also when the male discharge is connected (possible since they have different valves unlike the slurry tank that it does not have), in AI mode and in manual mode it is the same both automatically change the indicator to rear discharge (in this mode is also possible to download through the arm).
Known Bugs
Work Mode pump Indicator Failure When Canceling an Active Job to Reset Enable / Disable Transport
Some implements when entering transport mode can activate or deactivate the work pump mode indicator (pending revision in kverneland implements)
As in other combinations from level three, it is not possible to perform the attach / dettach through the cab control, so be careful not to dettach the HKL since if this happens, the HKL connection is blocked to the tractor (simulation engine error, to solve it you have to create a transport task and then cancel it)
as always the running scripts can be improved a lot but for now it is what there is.
Surely this model and others that have the possibility of being improved will be separated from the trailer file in the future)
Very important delete folder silage trailer, krampe, hkl and container, annaburg, kroger trailer not compatible with new.
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