eliminate dirt albedo and normal dirt since when changing MBB the blend textures of add to multiply the models seemed camouflage
add attacher key truc and cont
slurry trailer
eliminated mod fake tanks for trailers
As seen in the screenshot, the new emptying or loading script has only been added when there is a point to connect to, that is, fixed or mobile stations all liquids.
now it has two discharge points according to the implement that is connected and in the emptying the script executes a partial dettach to be able to connect the hose
the pump already has sound and also a control because in some case it stays working without being necessary
the implements control the start of the pump thanks to the fact that orders can now be sent to the parents
Slurry transport trailers can also load and unload at mobile and fixed stations all liquids
note: trailers that carry liquids or solids have no product limitation, therefore, if they are active near a place of loading of diessel, for example, they can be activated if they are dettached.
very important delete folders silage trailers, krampe, hkl and containers, Annaburg, kroger trailers not compatible with new
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