Cattle and Crops: A few Steam questions answered

First off, a big thanks to all of you who’ve voted to greenlight us. We’re currently ranked no. 5 of almost 2000 games in Steam’s greenlight list. Still, we need to gather as many votes as possible to make sure we can offer our game to you on Steam. If you haven’t yet, go cast your vote. Tell your friends and everyone you know.


We received many questions regarding the Steam platform so we would like to answer them in this update. We’ve also added them to the project’s FAQ section.

Is Steam required to play Cattle and Crops?

No, Steam will be completely optional. We will provide a separate download link on either other stores or on our website. Both Steam and non-Steam keys will be available to you.

Will be the Early-Access only available on Steam?

No. Just like the final game, the Early Access version will be available both on Steam and on our own launcher/update system.

Will all Kickstarter backers automatically get a Steam key or will they have to pay again to receive one?

Kickstarter backers will have the opportunity to generate a Steam key for themselves once the project is greenlit.

Cattle & Crops
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What is Cattle and Crops mods

There’re so many opportunities in this world. However, not many are able to see them so we’re ready to show you some. Everyone of you’ve heard off mods but it’s important to know what’re exact advantages after you install them. Cattle and Crops mods can provide everything you want. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a new tractor, combine or maybe you want to change maps, texture or the game itself. Everything is being done just by installing CnC mods. You can find so many different mods with different possibilities inside them so take a closer look and take the ones you find necessary most. This can be nominated as the greatest opportunity of your lives because all the Cattle and Crops mods are absolutely free. Such a wide variety doesn’t cost a single cent and such huge possibilities are hidden in each mod. This is a chance you cannot miss.

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